Tone Generator is a sine wave generator, frequency generator and signal
generator that lets you create audio test tones, sweeps or noise
waveforms using your computer or a PDA handheld
is an Audio Vector Oscilloscope (Goniometer). It can give you a
detailed picture of the relationships of a stereo signal. This is often
used to watch for mono compatibility of a recording. Unlike a "normal"
oscilloscope the image is rotated by 45° so if you have an
identical signal on both channels you'll see a vertical line. If the
signals are otherwise identical but with opposite phase a horizontal
line is displayed.
Vocaloid - это программа, которая, по большому счету, может успешно
заменить любого певца - она предназначена для создания (синтеза)
натурального, правдоподобного вокала. Причем
предназначение-предназначением, а то, что она творит - действительно